Image positioning: get traffic with your photos

Images are obviously the foundation of any photographer’s business. However, they are also very important in the design of your blog, in your articles and also have a direct influence on SEO. Therefore, when we talk about digital marketing actions to implement on our website and on our blog, we must not only take into account content marketing or usability , among others. You know what they say: a picture is worth a thousand words! Take the opportunity to write down some tips that will allow you to position your images and get traffic with your photos.

SEO for images
As you already know, SEO applied to texts is essential to position yourself in Google correctly, but it is not the only factor that influences, especially if your website focuses on photography. In many cases, we forget that this factor exists that will allow us to improve positioning, so it is very important that you know how to do it. Working on SEO for images will allow you to appear in Google’s ‘featured snippets’ , upload positions in Google images, gain organic traffic and improve the reach and popularity of your brand , among other issues. Of course, remember that SEO requires patience and constant optimization.

The weight of your images influences
We tend to think that the bigger our image, the better. However, if we take into account optimization for SEO, it is best to be clear that we should not exceed 150 KB in images . In fact, it is best that they do not exceed 70 KB, which is what Google considers ‘optimal’. In this way, the loading speed of your website will improve considerably.

By the way, athiniphotos website for photographers and creatives automatically optimize the weight of all the images that you upload to the web, so that they will always load quickly and be prepared to achieve optimal web positioning, without you having to worry about nothing.

The quality of the photographs
Reducing the weight of our files does not have to affect the quality of the photographs. Therefore, choose a size that does not interfere with this aspect but that is appropriate so that the loading speed of your website is not slowed down. Use programs to make files less weight and not lose quality, such as Web Resizer. As we have already commented in the previous point, if you have your photographer website with Athiniphotos, you will not have to worry about the weight or quality of your images, since they are optimized automatically. In addition, our websites allow large photos , so that they look their best.

The title: tag your images
Another aspect to take into account is to add a title for each image that you upload to your photographer website. This will allow you to have control over your photographs and will help you with web positioning. If you work with a content manager, this will not be more complicated. You can also help yourself with labels. Of course, do not duplicate them or it will not help you with optimization or positioning.

The alt attribute: don’t forget!
Many people forget the section of the alternative text or alt attribute, but it is something that will help you greatly to index the images. The best thing is that you use any of the keywords of your article or your website . This way, Google will find it and index it.

Indecipherable filenames won’t help you
Another aspect that we do not usually take into account is the name of the file. Uploading your image with an indecipherable name will not help you position your photos. For this reason, we recommend that you choose a strategic keyword and implement it in this section as well.

The description of the image with keywords
The image description section is one of the biggest forgotten on our website. Being a text that requires a greater length, we tend to think that it is an unnecessary effort. However, this is a really important aspect for the SEO of our images. You will only need to make a more or less literal description of the image, adding keywords or keywords for which you would search for that image.

Google preferred formats
Although there are files that improve the quality of our images, it is advisable to use the formats that Google establishes as ‘favorites’. These are the typical formats: jpg, png webp and gif. There are many online tools that will facilitate the process of converting your photos to these file extensions, such as Online Converter .

The Link Juice also for images
Link Juice is the strategy used in SEO to generate traffic through links, thanks to the authority and relevance of the pages. What does this mean? That all the links that go to our website will ‘transfer’ relevance and authority to us, and with this we can better position our website as photographers. This strategy also works in the images. Therefore, it is essential that you use other social networks where your photos can be shared and that redirect to your website, such as Pinterest or Tumblr. Remember that social networks are also a strong point for those who are dedicated to photography, so do not miss it.

Images and context
Another issue that we should not overlook is the context in which we introduce our images. It is recommended that all your images are accompanied by some text, and that this is related to their content. It can be the caption, the text of a post, the title of the page …

In this case, the Athiniphotos website allow you to add descriptive text to each image in a gallery , so that you add value to the image and improve its web positioning.

In summary, the positioning of images, especially for those who are dedicated to photography, is very important to redirect traffic to a website of such characteristics. With Athiniphotos you can achieve very professional results by spending as little time as possible and learn how to improve the web traffic of your photographs within a quality web page by implementing these tips. Create your website in less than a minute !



Athini Photos was established by Mr.Mahendran in 2005. Our style of photography is contemporary with a classic twist; combining beautiful photography portraiture with dynamic reportage storytelling.

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